Henry Smith Charity – Main Grants – Strengthening Communities

Grants to support the running costs of small community-based organisations working in the most deprived areas of the UK to help people to make positive changes in their lives.

The Henry Smith Charity is one of the largest independent grant making trusts in the UK, distributing more than £30 million each year. Following a review of their grant making, the Henry Smith Charity launched a new strategy for the Main Grants Programme, dividing it into two categories: Improving Lives and Strengthening Communities.

The Charity’s three main priorities are as follows:

Objectives of Fund

The Henry Smith Charity’s Strengthening Communities programme is part of the Charity’s Main Grants programme. The fund focuses on funding small charitable organisations working at grassroots level, to ensure that funding reaches the most disadvantaged areas of the UK, targeting places that are economically marginalised and affected by poverty.

Grants of between £20,000 and £70,000 per year for up to three years are available (most grants are for three years).

The charity does not fund more than 50% of the projected running costs of an organisation in any individual year, except for the smallest organisations requesting their first paid staff member.

Applications for continuation funding will be considered.

Who Can Apply:

Charities and not-for-profit organisations including community interest companies (CICs) can apply. They must be physically based and working within the 10% most deprived areas of England and Scotland, and within or immediately next to an area within the 15% most deprived areas of Northern Ireland and Wales on the Government Indices of Multiple Deprivation.

Groups that are not registered charities must have a constitution to demonstrate a charitable purpose.

Community interest companies can apply but must provide details of how their constitution prevents funds being removed from the organisation (asset lock).

The funder supports established organisations delivering services directly to beneficiaries, and it is looking for services which can demonstrate a track record of success and evidence the effectiveness of the work.

To be eligible, applicants must:

In addition, applicants must be:

Funding is not available for organisations that have:

Eligible Expenditure:

Work must align with one or more of the following aims:

The funder is looking for the following characteristics in all applications:

Grants are to fund general running costs and could be used for rent, overheads, salaries, increasing existing service provision, project costs and improving sustainability and can include small capital items needed to support the work.

How To Apply

Applications can be submitted at any time. There are no deadlines and applications are assessed when they are received.

There is a two-stage application process.

An online stage-one application form is available to complete via the Henry Smith Charity website. This first stage can take up to eight weeks and applicants will then be contacted to inform them if they are successful and will be put through to the second stage.