quick: how do you play the "battle of the sexes" board game?
Actully that is how you should play the game, guys answer girl questions and girls andswer guy questions.I like playing it the other way around because it shows how much I don't know as a guy. The game is pretty simple, you get 4 pieces (2 if playing 1-on-1) You need to get all teh way to the other side with all of those pieces (which is why no one ever finishes the game). You filp a coin to see what side goes first, and the you read off the first question on teh card to the other teams. If they get it right they get to move one space, and answer another question, until all three questions on the card are answered or an answer is wrong. Then over to the other team. When you get to the middle you get to draw a card for your sex that will either move you foward or backwards.The best way is to grab a stack of cards, start asking questions and those that get them right (or wrong) drink. Toss the board.