Business Math
Course Description: This course is built from this business mathematics course. It will make this course easier to have completed consumer math since there is some overlap in topics, but it is not required.
This course uses text and video to provide a basic understanding of business problems in mathematical terms and how to solve those problems. Topics include the application of basic mathematics to business and industry using ratios, functions and graphs, simple and compound interest, financial instruments and discounting, annuities, mortgages, loans, and leases. Also included is cash-flow analysis applying rates of return, net present value, and payback.
The Texas Instruments BA II Plus is recommended, and will be used in solving problems. Here is a free version available as an app.
Lesson 1
- Print or download your grade sheet for the course.
- Read the introduction to chapter 1.
- You may find this financial calculator emulator helpful.
- Complete lesson 1.1, ratios.
- Write down the terms in red and their definitions. If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 10, up to two points for each answer. Question 2 has two things you have to find and then you have to state the answer, so there are three parts to it, which is 6 of your points.
Lesson 2
- Complete lesson 1.2 on proportions. Search for videos online if you need more help with any of these topics.
- Complete the knowledge check questions. There are five answers you need to find.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 10. Score up to two points for each answer. You may award half credit for any problem set up correctly that had a mistake in calculation. This is true any day where you are given more than one point for a question.
Lesson 3
- Complete lesson 1.3 on ratios with more than two quantities.
- Write down the terms in red and their definitions. If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions. Before you answer the questions, set up an analysis table as shown in the lesson.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 10. Score up to two points for each answer and 6 points for the table.
Lesson 4
- Go through this page on ratios and proportions.
- As you watch the videos, write down all the examples and work them out along with the teacher. You could pause and try to work ahead and then watch to see if you got it correct.
Lesson 5
- Complete lesson 1.4 on retail calculations.
- Write down any terms in red and their definitions. If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 12. Score up to two points for each answer.
Lesson 6
- Go through this page on markups and markdowns.
- As you watch the videos, write down all the examples and work them out along with the teacher.
Lesson 7
- Complete lesson 1.5 on rates and currency conversions.
- Write down any terms in red and their definitions. If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions. There are six answers to find.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 12. Score up to two points for each answer.
Lesson 8
- Go through this page on currency conversions.
- Try the questions. Then watch the answers worked out and see how you did.
Lesson 9
- Complete lesson 1.6 on discounts. Click on the + to open the Chained Discounts section.
- Write down any terms in red and their definitions. If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions. For the second question, find the discount and the discount rate.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 6. Score up to two points for each answer.
Lesson 10
- Complete lesson 1.7 on payment terms. Click on the + to open the other sections.
- Write down any terms in red and their definitions. If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions. For the second question, find the discount and the discount rate.
- Check your answers. There are two sections, 1.7 and 1.8.
- Record your score out of 12. Score up to two points for each answer for 1.7 and up to four points for each answer in 1.8. You may award partial credit for getting part of the answer correct even if you missed another part.
Lesson 11
- Go through this page on trade and cash discounts.
- You can watch the first video lesson, and then try the questions. Check your answers with the videos and watch the answer being worked out if you made any mistakes.
Lesson 12
- Complete the first half of the review questions. Complete numbers 1 – 17. Show all your work.
- You will check your answers on another day. Label your page “Review Questions” and make sure to number your answers so you can match them to the answer key.
- There are four days to do these questions and one to check your answers. If you want to spread these out over five days, you could. You will still need to check your answers and fix any mistakes.
Lesson 13
- Complete the next section of the review questions. Complete numbers 18 – 34.
- Continue where you were writing your answers for Lesson 12. You will check all your answers on another day.
Lesson 14
- Complete the next section of the review questions. Complete numbers 35 – 51.
- Continue where you were writing your answers for Lesson 12. You will check all your answers on another day.
Lesson 15
- Complete the next section of the review questions. Complete numbers 52 – 68.
- Continue with labeling your answers. You will check all your answers on another day.
Lesson 16
- Check your answers. Mark any that are incorrect.
- Fix any mistakes.
- Score one point for each correct answer, a half point for each corrected answer, and 0 points for any answer that you left wrong.
- Taking the time to get it right the first time will buy you a little break on a day like today.
Lesson 17
- Read through the example of a function.
- Complete the function table and graph. Here’s a video if you need more help using functions.
Lesson 18
- Go through the page on linear functions. Just the top section. We’ll do “Linear Equations from Data” in Lesson 19.
- Write down any terms in red and their definitions. (There are none for this lesson, but this should be your practice.) If the definition is missing, look it up.
- Complete the knowledge check questions.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 10. Score up to one point for each answer, two for the graph. The graph does not have an answer key. How do you know your graph is correct? You should be able to read the table data points from your graph.
Lesson 19
- Practice finding the slope of a line.
- Finish the page. Click on the + sign by “Linear Equations from Data.”
- Complete the knowledge check, 2.2.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 6. Record up to two points per question.
Lesson 20
- Go through the page on cost functions.
- Go through the page on equations and functions.
- Go through the page on cost equations. Try the problems. Check your answers.
Lesson 21
- Go through the page on systems of equations and do the knowledge check. Make sure to open each topic.
- Check your answers, 2.3. Two don’t have answers on the page, but make sure you have done them.
- Record your score out of 12.
Lesson 22
- Practice with systems of equations.
- Do the two example word problems. Read the questions and try them before you read how to do them. Check your answer. Use their explanation if necessary.
Lesson 23
- Work through the problem.
- Try two more word problems. Choose from the list at the bottom of the page.
Lesson 24
- Go through the page on profit volume analysis and complete the knowledge check.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 25
- Go through the video page. Try the problems and check or work along with the teacher. Write down all the questions and work out all the answers.
Lesson 26
- Complete questions 1 – 7 of the review for chapter 2. Show your work.
- Label your page and the question number and parts carefully to help you check your answers later.
Lesson 27
- Complete questions 8 – 14 of the review for chapter 2. Remember to show your work.
- Label your page and the question number and parts carefully to help you check your answers later.
Lesson 28
- Complete questions 15 – 21 of the review for chapter 2. Always show your work.
- Label your page and the question number and parts carefully to help you check your answers later.
Lesson 29
- Complete questions 22 – 27 of the review for chapter 2.
- Label your page and the question number and parts carefully to help you check your answers later.
Lesson 30
- Check your answers.
- Fix any mistakes. Work to understand.
- Record your score out of 93 – one point for each part of each question.
Lesson 31
- Read the introduction to compound interest.
- Go through the page on compound interest and complete the table.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 6.
- Answer the questions about interest.
Lesson 32
- Learn about nominal and periodic rates.
- Learn the compound interest formula.
- Complete the knowledge check.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 6.
Lesson 33
- Look again at where the compound interest formula comes from.
- Learn about finding present value.
- Do the knowledge check.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 6.
Lesson 34
- Go through the video lessons.
- Try the problems.
Lesson 35
- Read about multiple cash flows.
- Try the problems.
- Check your answers and make sure you understand.
Lesson 36
- Read the page on equivalent values.
- Go through the problems.
Lesson 37
- Practice with the calculator.
Lesson 38
- Read about equivalent and effective rates.
- And practice with the calculator.
Lesson 39
- Learn about how to deal with fractional periods.
- Try the knowledge check.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 4.
Lesson 40
- Learn about average rates.
- Try the problems.
Lesson 41
- Complete questions 1 – 13. Show your work.
- Make sure to label your answers clearly so you will be able to check them later.
Lesson 42
- Complete questions 14 – 27. Show your work.
- Make sure to label your answers clearly so you will be able to check them later.
Lesson 43
- Complete questions 28 – 40. Show your work.
- Make sure to label your answers clearly so you will be able to check them later.
Lesson 44
- Complete questions 41 – 54. Remember to show your work.
- Make sure to label your answers clearly so you will be able to check them later.
Lesson 45
- Check your answers.
- Fix any mistakes. Work to understand.
- Record your score out of 117 (one point for each part of each question, each blank on a table, etc.).
Lesson 46
- Read the introduction to annuities.
- Complete the page on adding to a savings account. Make sure to open each section and complete all the exercises.
- Are you remembering to write down all the red words and their definitions?
Lesson 47
- Read about withdrawing from a savings account.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 48
- Read about loans and down payments.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 49
- Read about annuities due and leases.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 50
- Read about deferred annuities.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 51
- Read about back to back annuities.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 52
- Learn about bonds.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
- Read about perpetuities.
Lesson 53
- Learn about preferred shares.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 54
- Learn about mortgages.
- Make sure to open each section and do all the checks and activities.
Lesson 55
- Learn the 32% rule.
- Learn about refinancing.
- For both of these, make sure to open each section and do any checks and activities.
Lesson 56
- Practice with annuities.
- Try the problems. Watch the videos and check your answers or use them for help.
Lesson 57
- Practice with finance questions. You know how to use these pages.
- Continue with general annuities.
- Continue with annuities due.
Lesson 58
- Practice with back-to-back annuities.
- Try the problems. Watch the videos and check your answers or use them for help.
Lesson 59
- Practice with bonds.
- Practice with perpetuities and stocks.
Lesson 60
- Practice with mortgages and amortization.
Lesson 61
- Continue practice with mortgages and amortization.
Lesson 62
- Do the review questions from 1 through 15 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 63
- Do the review questions from 16 through 30 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 64
- Do review questions from 31 – 45 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 65
- Do review questions from 46 – 59 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 66
- Do review questions from 60 – 73 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 67
- Do review questions from 74 – 87 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 68
- Do review questions from 88 – 101 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 69
- Do review questions from 102 – 115 today.
- Make sure to carefully label your answers and show your work.
Lesson 70
- Check all your answers. Try to figure out any mistakes.
- Record your score out of 233 (one point for each part of each question, each blank on a table, etc.).
Lesson 71
- Read the introduction to investment decisions.
- Learn about evaluating a business plan.
- Learn about rate of return.
- Did you remember to write down any red terms and definitions?
Lesson 72
- Learn about net present value.
- I don’t have answers to the knowledge check. You can email yours to and we can post them for other students.
Lesson 73
- Work with cash flow on the calculator.
- Learn about internal rate of return.
Lesson 74
- Learn about payback.
- Please submit your answers to
- Read about the effects of different lifetimes.
- Read about cost comparison.
Lesson 75
- Do questions 1, 2, and 3.
- Watch the video after you answer the related questions. Make sure you understand and get the right answer.
Lesson 76
- Finish the page. Start at question 4.
- Watch the video after you answer the related questions. Make sure you understand and get the right answer.
Lesson 77
- Do a set of review questions. Label your answers carefully and show your work.
- Today do numbers 1 – 8.
Lesson 78
- Do a set of review questions. Label your answers carefully and show your work.
- Today do numbers 9 – 16.
Lesson 79
- Do a set of review questions. Label your answers carefully and show your work.
- Today do numbers 17 – 24.
Lesson 80
- Check your answers.
- Try to figure out and fix your mistakes.
- Record your score out of 81 (one point for each part of each question, each blank on a table, etc.).
Lesson 81
- Review chapters 1 and 2. Go back in the lessons if you need review.
- Do questions 1 – 15 today.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 82
- Complete questions 16-30 today.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 83
- Review chapters 3 and 4. Go back in the lessons if you need review.
- Do questions 1 – 10 today.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 84
- Do questions 11 – 20 today.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 85
- Review chapter 5. Go back and look through the lesson videos if you need help.
- Do questions 1 – 12 today.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 86
- Do questions 13 – 24 today.
- Check your answers.
Lesson 87
- You will be completing your final over 4 days.
- Today do questions 1 – 15. Make sure to show your work and label your questions/answers carefully.
- Do not check answers yet.
Lesson 88
- Today do questions 16 – 30. Make sure to show your work and label your questions/answers carefully.
- Do not check answers yet.
Lesson 89
- Today do questions 31 – 45. Make sure to show your work and label your questions/answers carefully.
- Do not check answers yet.
Lesson 90
- Today, finish the questions, 46 – 52.
- Check your answers.
- Record your score out of 92.
- Calculate your course percentage grade by dividing the total points you earned by the total points possible and multiplying by 100
- Take the polls.

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