Class 12 Biology Human Reproduction: NCERT Solutions for Question 4

This page focuses on the detailed Human Reproduction question answers for Class 12 Biology Human Reproduction, addressing the question: 'Write two major functions each of testis and ovary.'. The solution provides a thorough breakdown of the question, highlighting key concepts and approaches to arrive at the correct answer. This easy-to-understand explanation will help students develop better problem-solving skills, reinforcing their understanding of the chapter and aiding in exam preparation.

Question 4

Write two major functions each of testis and ovary.

Functions of the Testis:

(a) They produce male gametes called spermatozoa by the process of spermatogenesis.

(b) The leydig cells of the seminiferous tubules secrete the male sex hormone called testosterone. Testosterone aids the development of secondary sex characteristics in males.

Functions of the ovary:

(a) They produce female gametes called ova by the process of oogenesis.

(b) The growing Graffian follicles secrete the female sex hormone called estrogen. Estrogen aids the development of secondary sex characteristics in females.

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