Cayman islands insurance capital requirements

Section 2 of the Insurance Act defines "insurance business" as:

"the business of accepting risks by effecting or carrying out contracts of insurance, whether directly or indirectly, and includes running-off business including the settlement of claims."

Regulation of Insurance Business

The Insurance Act gives the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority the responsibility of regulating the insurance industry in the Cayman Islands. This includes licensing, ongoing supervision, and enforcement. The day-to-day regulatory oversight of the sector falls to CIMA's Insurance Supervision Division.

Licence Categories

Under the Insurance Act CIMA may issue the following categories of insurance licences:

Standards of Regulation

CIMA regulates the insurance sector in accordance with:

Status of the Cayman Islands Insurance Industry

Since 1979 when the Insurance Act was first passed in the Cayman Islands, this jurisdiction has become a major centre for international insurance business. The Cayman Islands is the second largest domicile for captives and holds the number one position worldwide for healthcare captives.

Healthcare is the primary class of business among Cayman-domiciled captives, while workers’ compensation is the second largest class. The Cayman Islands captive insurance industry is composed mainly of companies emanating from North America. The next most important geographical source is the Caribbean and Latin America, collectively.

For current statistics and other data on the Cayman Islands insurance industry can be found in the Insurance Statistics section of this site.

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