Hospice care

You qualify for hospice care if you have Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and meet all of these conditions:

If you qualify, you can get hospice care for two 90-day benefit periods, followed by an unlimited number of 60-day benefit periods. You have the right to change your hospice provider once during each benefit period. How do I choose a hospice care provider?

You can usually get Medicare-approved hospice care in your home or other facility where you live, like a nursing home. You can also get hospice care in an inpatient hospice facility. If your hospice care team determines you need inpatient care at a hospital, they must make the arrangements for your stay. If they don’t, you might be responsible for the entire cost of your hospital care. What's a hospice care team?

Once you choose hospice care, your hospice benefit should cover everything you need. You and your family will work with your hospice care team to set up your plan of care. What kinds of services does a plan of care include?

Your costs in Original Medicare

Note: You can ask your hospice provider for a list of items, services, and drugs that they’ve determined aren’t related to your terminal illness and related conditions. This list must include why they made that determination. Your hospice provider must give you the list within 3-5 days of your request, depending on when you made it. Your provider must also give this list to your non-hospice providers or Medicare, if requested.

Things to know

Only your hospice doctor and your regular doctor (if you have one) can certify that you’re terminally ill and have a life expectancy of 6 months or less. After 6 months, you can continue to get hospice care as long as the hospice medical director or hospice doctor recertifies (at a face-to-face meeting) that you’re still terminally ill.

If you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan or other Medicare health plan:

Medicare won't cover any of these once your hospice benefit starts:

Contact your hospice team before you get any of these services or you might have to pay the entire cost.

Related resources

Visit these organizations: