Asset transfer under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 is a new process.
A Community Transfer Body can make a request to any of the relevant authorities named in the Act to use property belonging to those authorities where they think they can make better use of the property.
In terms of the Act, Community Transfer Bodies can apply to purchase, lease or request rights in respect of land owned or leased by a relevant authority.
The description of "land" in the Act includes land and buildings or other structures owned or leased by a relevant authority. Part 5 of the Act will come into force on 23 January 2017.
The Scottish Police Authority is the body who owns or leases most of the estate operated by Police Scotland.
Asset transfer requests should be made to the Estates Department at Police Scotland.
If your Community Transfer Body wishes to make an asset transfer request, we recommend that you make contact with the Estates Department. Do this at an early stage so that we can discuss your proposals.
Contact details for the Estates Department can be found below.
A list of assets owned or leased by the Scottish Police Authority can be found here Asset list (excel file).
Applications will be considered by Police Scotland. Where an asset transfer request is recommended by Police Scotland, that recommendation will be submitted to the Scottish Police Authority for approval.
When making an application, you should refer to the Community Empowerment legislation. Also refer to the guidance issued by the Scottish Government which can be found here Asset Transfer Guidance for Community Transfer Bodies.
We recommend you take particular note of the eligibility requirements for Community Transfer Bodies.
Applications should be submitted to either the postal address or the email address found below.
This mailbox is not monitored 24/7 and should not be used to report a crime - call 101 and in an emergency call 999.)
Or alternatively send via post to:
Estates Department
Police Scotland
Clyde Gateway
2 French Street
Glasgow G40 4EH